
August 1, 2013

August Currently!

My second monthly link up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade! I was lucky to like her page on facebook as I got this month's currently before it was even posted on the blog! You should do the same. (:
Listening to company chattering downstairs with my gram…
My July post explained some hard times my family was going through as my grandmother had brain surgery, but thanks to all the prayers and thoughts… she is back in action AT HOME! When she arrived home last Friday, we surprised her with a freshly mulched yard full of beautiful & deer resistant flowers. Here is the herb garden I was in charge of. 
Loving my whitewashed woodwork in my classroom…
I love the way it turned out and with the help from a few VERY special people, it didn't take too long to do either! I CANNOT wait to share my before and after pictures with an upcoming linky for a chance to win some goodies. 
Thinking about my new fonts that are under development…
Here is a PREVIEW of my finished font called TailoredFirstie. I am so excited to wrap up my other ones so that I can share them with you! What do ya think?!
Wanting summer to last just a few more weeks…
I actually got out of the car on a long ride to capture some summer sun. This wetland was beautiful… I couldn't resist.
Needing to buy books for my grad classes this fall! YIKES!
Can you say $$$? I am taking two phonics courses this fall to begin my journey to obtain my reading endorsement. Regardless of the money I splurge on professional reads… I know I will use them in my classroom for future years to come!

B2S Must Haves…1, 2, 3
First: Lyndsey Kuster at A Year of Many Firsts came out with an amazing FREE Daily 5 resource that all teachers can use within the first couple weeks of school! I know that I plan to use this as I integrate literacy centers and such in my first grade classroom. Click the picture below to direct you to Lyndsey's post. Thanks Lyndsey!(:
from A Year of Many Firsts
Second: The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt is a must-have at the beginning of the school year. It is such a cute and funny story to help teach kids about the importance of using all colors. Oliver Jeffers, the illustrator, has quite the knack for bringing pictures to life too!
Third: I NEED a Pete the Cat book bin…. WHY??? Kimberly & James Dean are coming out with a whole new slew of Pete the Cat books this October. Click any of the pictures below to take you to the Amazon links. Pre-order these books now!


  1. I just found you on Currently. I love the herb garden. I have spent some time this summer working in my own garden and I love growing fresh herbs.

  2. Nice! Good luck with buying those books... the price of textbooks is astounding! Found you with the Currently linky : ) Really cute blog!
    Kids Math Teacher

  3. Pete the Cat is so much fun! The kids love him.

    Krazy Town

  4. Love the whitewashed woodwork. I must have missed the memo on the the Pete the Cat Easter book!!! Gotta have it!

  5. Here from Currently. So glad to hear your grandma is doing well enough to be home! Love that sunset picture! I'm your newest follower!

  6. We have been following and loving your blog! We've nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can check out our blog at for more information.

    Sincerely, Becky and Echo @vavoomclasroom #yourclassroomwillloveyou


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