June 2, 2014

Summer Blog Hop

I am so excited to host this Summer Blog Hop! Words cannot describe how thankful I am to all of the teachers that I get to communicate with each day. Whether I speak face-to-face with a colleague or chat on Instagram with an IG teacher, I still receive ample ideas for my own classroom. I feel like I owe it to everyone to post this month AND share a freebie! I hope that the Summer Blog Hop works and runs smoothly. If there are any stops, pauses, or bumps in the sand (pun intended), check back later this week to grab all of your freebies! In addition to myself, EIGHT other blogging buddies joined forces to bring you a summer-themed hop! 

I have some BUBBLE FUN to share with you! Here is a simple and fun art project for all of you bubble lovers out there.

What you need:
Soap (I used Dawn)

Have your kiddos mix the paint and water together. Add the soap and gently mix. There is no special measurement I used. In fact, we had to go around and add more paint to each cup. Plan to use more paint than soap! Practice blowing through the straw WITHOUT breathing in through the straw. That. Could. Be. Disastrous. We do not want anyone swallowing our special bubble-paint mixture! Once you have the materials and mixture all ready, blow through the straw into the cup. As I say, "Blow until you overflow!" Take your paper and set it on top of the bubbles and watch the bubbles pop. Continue to do this until you have your desired bubble look! 
If you checked out my post for Mother's Day at The Collaboration Connection, you already know that I like to integrate songs and poetry into my weekly theme. Due to the copyright rules and regulations, I cannot share these images with you as a freebie. However, I would like to show you a preview of what my poetry/song sheets look like! 

Here are some fun websites that share bubble songs and poems:

Time for your freebie! I am sure it is safe to say that you will be downloading a fun bubble-themed resource! Have your students write a fun, fictional piece about a bubble! Enjoy your next hop at the fabulous A Rocky Top Teacher blog! Happy summer!

May 22, 2014

Reader's Theater

I cannot believe that the school year is coming to an end! I am a little sad and disappointed that I did not get to share all of the happenings on my blog. My first graders are growing up! We worked really hard this week to participate in reader's theater. We practiced, rehearsed, practiced, rehearsed, and then practiced some more. I enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. The kiddos could not wipe the smiles off of their faces even if they tried. I used leveled scripts from Reading A-Z, which made my life A LOT easier. We performed The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and Pinocchio.

I am VERY LUCKY to have such helpful and inventive parents too! Moms, dads, grandmas, and grandpas (I am sure) helped to gather up possible costumes and props for the skits. Check out all of the AH-MAZING photos I snapped of the costume close-ups. I will let the pictures do the talking. {Can you tell I purchased a new camera?} IN LOVE.

Big Billy Goat
Little Billy Goat
Big Bad Wolf
Little Pig
Blue Fairy
Blue Fairy

May 5, 2014

How Sweet It Is Followers Giveaway!

I am so thankful to be participating in Table Talk with C & C's Instagram Giveaway! Check out their post below and be sure to enter!

We recently achieved a major milestone for our little ol' blog . . . . over 1,000 followers on Instagram!!  A-MAZING!!!!  So that means it's giveaway time!!!  
Who doesn't love a good giveaway?  Well, you are in luck!  We are having FIVE (yes I said 5) giveaways!!  I am overwhelmed by the generosity of our blogging/IG friends and am super excited to share these fabulous products with you all!!

So let's get started.
Click on each picture or the caption below it to see what each item is.

Now onto the next one . . .

But, wait . . . . there's more!!

Oh we aren't done yet!  There's more . . .

Last . . . but not least

Be sure to check back next week to see if you are one of our lucky winners!!
We are so lucky to have so many a-mazing followers!!!
Thank you!!